No Acquittal for 4 Signatory Academics in 2nd Hearing

Yazar / Referans: 
Beyza Kural İstanbul - BIA News Desk

Attorneys have demanded acquittal of peace declaration signatories Esra Mungan, Meral Camcı, Kıvanç Ersoy and Muzaffer Kaya in the second hearing, the court adjourned the hearing to December 22.

Second hearing of the trial in which Assist. Prof. Dr. Esra Mungan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Meral Camcı, Assist. Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Kaya and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kıvanç Ersoy are being tried for signing the declaration by Academics for Peace entitled “We will not be a party to this crime” was held today (September 27).

The academics have been charged with “[illegal] organization propaganda”.

Basına ve kamuoyuna / To the press and the public / An die Presse und Öffentlichkeit / À la presse et à l’opinion publique

Yazar / Referans: 
Barış İçin Akademisyenler Esra Mungan, Meral Camcı, Muzaffer Kaya, Kıvanç Ersoy

Barış İçin Akademisyenler olarak, “Bu Suça Ortak Olmayacağız” bildirisini kamuoyuna duyurduğumuz günden bugüne, “toplumsal barışın tesisi” talebimizin haklılığı ve ivediliği ile her geçen gün ve hep beraber yüzleştik. Barış talebimizi dile getirmemiz, yaşadığımız toplumun, coğrafyanın hakikatine sessiz kalmamamız, görmezden gelip “biat” etmememiz, sorunu tespit edip çözüm önermemiz ve çözüm için akademisyenler olarak bize düşen görevi yerine getirmeye hazır oluşumuz “suç” sayıldı. Bu “suç”a iliştirilen farklı görünümlerdeki “bedel”leri ödedik ve ödemeye devam ediyoruz.

27 Eylül 2016, Salı günü Çağlayan’da buluşuyoruz! / Come join us at the Çağlayan Courthouse on September 27, 2016!

Yazar / Referans: 

Değerli Dostlar,

BARIŞ ve DEMOKRASİ içinde bir arada YAŞAMA talebimizden de, bu haklı talebi ortak ve gür sesimizle ifade etme özgürlüğümüzden de, üniversitelerde maruz bırakıldığımız tüm hak ihlallerine karşı emek ve bilimsel birikimle kazandığımızı geri alma mücadelemizden de vazgeçmeyiz! 

We Are Gathering on September 22 in Ankara at Council Of Higher Education to Defend Peace and The Right to Life

Yazar / Referans: 
Academics For Peace

In January 2016, 2,212 scholars from Turkey signed a petition titled “We will not be a party to this crime,” also known as the Peace Petition. Since then the signatories (“Academics for Peace”) have been subject to heavy pressure and persecution. Hundreds of them have faced criminal and disciplinary investigations, custody, imprisonment, or violent threats. Several academics have been dismissed or suspended, some were forced to resign or leave the country. The recent dismissal of the Academics for Peace overnight with a fait accompli of a State of Emergency decree no.

“Academics for peace hunt” under the state of emergency

Yazar / Referans: 
Nazan Özcan, www.agos.com.tr

Derya Keskin, Yücel Demirer and Hülya Kendir have been dismissed by a decree.

With the decree issued on September 2, many academics are dismissed. “Academics for peace” were one of the targets of this recent decree. Academics from Kocaeli University tell about what they have been going through.

Turkey: ’Academics for Peace’ suffer purge

Yazar / Referans: 
The Worldwide Human Rights Movement

(Brussels, Paris, Ankara) FIDH and its member organisations in Turkey, IHD and Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT) strongly condemn the dismissal of the ’Academics for Peace’, including Prof Dr Ümit Biçer, Member of the HRFT Directors Board, from their positions in public higher education, by a decree having force of law within the scope of the State of Emergency. They express their solidarity with these academics and urge the Turkish government to reintegrate them in their previous positions.

Pro-peace academics, atheist among 2,346 dismissed from universities

Yazar / Referans: 

Academics who signed a pro-peace declaration earlier this year and an atheist associate professor are among 2,346 academics who were removed from their posts due to their alleged links to the faith-based Gülen movement.

In line with a recent decree issued under post-coup-attempt emergency rule, the Turkish government dismissed 50,589 civil servants including academics and banned their employment at any state institution. The names of the dismissed civil servants were published in the Official Gazette on Thursday.
