While one of three courts have approved the demand that files be requested from 13th Heavy Penal Court, the other two rejected. Demands for immediate acquittal have been rejected.
Nine more academics, who have been charged with "propagandizing for a terrorist organization" for having signed the declaration "We will not be a party to this crime" prepared by the Academics for Peace, had their first hearings today (March 29) at 37th, 32nd and 24th Heavy Penal Courts.
While 37th Heavy Penal Court approved the demand that files be requested from 13th Heavy Penal Court the other two rejected this request.
Lawyers objected to 32nd Heavy Penal Court setting a second hearing for next week, the court committee didn’t change their decision.
Demands for immediate acquittal and files be combined with the ones in 13th Heavy Penal Court have been rejected. Demand for extension of time for defense has been approved.
After deposition of Erol Köroğlu from Boğaziçi University, he was granted extension of time for defense in regard to Turkish Penal Code Article 314/2, which is about being a member of an armed terrorist organization, being implemented.
The hearings against signatory academics started on December 5, 2017. As of March April 3, 179 people had their first hearings and 30 of them had the second. Three academics were sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison, and the sentences were suspended.
Source: http://bianet.org/english/law/195782-9-academics-stand-their-first-trial...